Friday, October 04, 2019

Blackface/Brownface - Get Over It

By now you have heard of and or seen the pictures relating to blackface/brownface in regards to Justin Trudeau.  It has people divided.  Why?  It is pointless.  This stuff happened around 20 years ago.  But that doesn't matter.  They don't bother to look into the backstory.  But that doesn't matter.  They'd rather have uninformed rage and ignorance because they want something to hate and judge him for.

People are putting him under a microscope and judging him under the current times.  They are not thinking about the times all this took place happened.  People involved during those times didn't see it as wrong based on the context of why Trudeau was doing it.  People are failing to see that it wasn't done in a racist and insensitive manner.  Why should that matter to them?  They don't care.  They are using it as an excuse to lynch mob him.

When it comes to the backstory, people need to do research.  They need to realize that it actually wasn't what they are making it out to be.  All they shout is "racist," "insensitive," "hurtful," etc..  It was none of these things.  They don't want to admit that.  They are instantly shocked and appalled.  Context is always a good thing.

Let's take a look at the various photos and backstories.

This first one was taken when he was in high school.  This was at least 30 years.  It was a talent show where he was doing he was doing his rendition of the song "Banana Boat (Day-O)."  People dress the part for stuff all the time, but wouldn't lynch mob them.

This second picture was taken an Arabian-themed party at West Point Grey Academy where he taught.  This is back in 2001.  It is going 20 years ago.  Just because he was one of the few if not the only one to paint his face doesn't mean it was done in an insensitive manner.  Again, people do this all the time without people batting an eye or getting lynch mobbed.

This final picture is a screenshot from Facebook.  It gives the backstory behind the blackface video.  He was working with a rafting company and this was at an event in support of this female team.  I guess supporting a female rafting team who got no support from the government to go to a race in Africa while their male counterparts did is something we should ignore.  Let's not focus on the positive, but turn it into a negative.  I doubt Harry Belafonte knows about this.  If he does, I doubt he cares with some more pressing issues in the world that need to be addressed.

People have turned everything in this "controversy" into a negative.  They are seeing these things for something it isn't.  It's almost as if they are obsessed with making up some false narrative so they can use it against him as an excuse to not focus on the issues.  Let's face it, it is not secret that a good portion of Canadian can't stand Justin Trudeau.  Hell, some even loath and hate him.  They use this to smear him and as a reason to not vote for him.  Really?  They complain he hasn't done anything for this country, but can't specifically say what he has done wrong.  All they care about is pushing this narrative of Justin Trudeau being the worst Prime Minister.  They think anything dug up on him will further that narrative.  That's not this works.  You base how he is as Prime Minister on what he has actually done for the country and what he said he would and never delivered.  But let's not do that either.

People are quick to be outraged.  Uninformed and ignorantly outraged.  But it is mainly white Canadians that are mainly outraged.  Sure there are those who are an ethnic minority that are outraged, but a good portion are willing to forgive or don't even care.  That doesn't mean all people that are considered ethnic minorities aren't outraged or shocked.

Dr. Myrna Lashley, former director of the Canadian Race Relations Foundation was sensationalistic with her comments.  In an article on I read, she said the following:

"People hear racist jokes all the time. How many times do people stand up and say: 'Don't tell me that joke,' — or walk away?"

This wasn't done as a joke.  It was all in good fun, but some people, especially her, don't want to see it that way.

When asked about blackface, she said the following:
"I hate them.

It was a stupid thing to do, and it hurt a lot of people. I know the man. I met him — he's not a racist. He's trying to bring people together."

That's your prerogative to not like them.  But to say it hurt people is quite ignorant.  It did not hurt anybody.  He wasn't directing it towards anybody.  They were for events not for a racist and hurtful purpose.  There was no malicious intent.  But she and probably others don't want to believe that.

"People laugh at these jokes, even if they are directed against them.

If they don't, people will say, 'What's wrong with you? You have a chip on your shoulder.'"

She kept coming back to talking about jokes.  They weren't done as jokes.  Why is she so fixated on that?  Having fun and joking around doesn't equate to having a chip on your shoulder.  At least in these instances anyways.  For her to say such a thing is ignorant.

She also said that people are saying he doesn't have to apologize.  I am in that camp.  Even though he has apologized, there are people that won't accept it.  They are looking for any reason to vilify and crucify Trudeau.  So much so that people would rather talk about blackface/brownface than the issues.  Quebec, which has a racist  history, for the most part are not or were not focused on blackface/brownface.  It wasn't in francophone newspapers for instance.  They had other things in the news that were taking up headlines.  That's saying something considering they have a history of blackface in the province.  Some people in Quebec said it was a "lack of judgement."

I've seen articles where there have been been polls.  One poll conducted online, forgot by who, stated that around 45 percent of Canadians didn't care about blackface.  So, you're saying that 16.65 million Canadians don't care?  Not even close.  Around 1900 people participated in this poll.  That means 855 people don't care.  You can't base the opinions of everybody on very low number of people who participated in this poll.  In fact, I can say for certain that nobody I know knew about this poll let alone participated in it.

Here is something I don't get.  Insights West conducted two polls in British Columbia.  The results showed that 52 percent of the participants see blackface as a serious issue.  Fair enough, but oddly the percentage went up two percent in regards to voting for the Liberals.  How does that work when giving that 52 percent see this as a serious issue?  I don't get it.  Regardless of what polls are showing, people won't let this die and focus on the issues.

Howard Levitt penned an article recently and gave two examples of people who didn't disclose things or they lied to perspective employees.  They both got fired for those reasons.  Levitt is saying that if these people can fired for those things, can't Trudeau get fired for such things like blackface/brownface?  That's not really the same thing.  He never lied about anything nor was he being investigated for something at the time he became leader of the Liberal Party and became Prime Minister.  That's where the power of voting comes in.  You can vote him out.  That could be seen a "firing" him.

As Calgary mayor Naheed Nenshi said, he didn't think Trudeau was being "actively racist."  He also goes on to say, "
we have to ask ourselves why enough people in 2001 thought that was okay."  Again, it wasn't done in a racist manner.  He dressed up for an event.  Why is that so hard to wrap your head around?  People didn't see it as racist because it was costume party and it wasn't taken seriously.  Don't get me started on the headline.  I can't even.  In another article, he says there is something more threatening than blackface.  That is very true.  You can read of what he says.

We have ignored things like Quebec's Bill 21 aka the secularism law until the last couple of days or so.  It basically states people in the public sector in positions of authority such as teachers and police officers can't wear hijabs, yarmulkes, etc..  What in the blue hell?  Any levelheaded person would not be okay with this.  Going on three months since it passed and it hasn't been focused because of this stupid blackface/brownface.  Shows where are out focus is.  It is good that it is going to be made an federal election issue and people such as Calgary mayor Naheed Nenshi is calling for a ground swell against this bill.  Hopefully the demonstrations and rallies in Quebec that are to be taking place gets their voices heard.

I am sick of people digging up stuff on people they feel can be used against someone during election time.  Some people, including a person I know, even went as far as to say cry "cultural appropriation" just because Trudeau dressed in the cultural clothing of India on his last trip there.  Being respectful in that regard is "cultural appropriation?"  You are a reaching a bit much if you think so.  It's not like he was trying to act Indian.  People take everything and turn it into a negative.  I can't wait for this election to be over.  We need to stop finding reasons to hate people and blanket them as a bad person.  Focus on the issues or do you like focusing on stupid shit that creates needless drama and bullshit?  Whatever the reason, you need to give your head a shake.  It is good we seemingly moved on from this.  But will the issues be focused on?  Hopefully.


  1. So, it is not cool to dress as Justin Trudeau doing blackface for Halloween this year?

    1. You know how the SJWs would feel about this.


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