Tuesday, February 01, 2011

Floor Hockey

The last couple of weeks I have been playing floor hockey at Ebenezer Baptist Church.  Last week I got three assists while this week I got a goal and two assists.  My friend Rob has been playing and I decided to go and it's good exercise.  We play on Mondays.  So anybody in Saskatoon know where the church is located, we play at 7:00 on Mondays.  I can't wait for next week to see if keep my scoring streak and my points streak going.


  1. That's awesome! Have a good time. If I didn't mind an 8 hour commute, I might join in. Actually, I'm really terrible at floor hockey but it might be fun anyway. Keep it up:)

  2. I'm not that good, but I try. I can throw some body and set up goals all while getting the odd goal.


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