Saturday, March 11, 2017

Gym Update 3: Dropping Weight

Taken March 2, 2017.
I don't usually take pictures at the gym.  Why do I need to show you I am at the gym?  Is it necessary to be like everyone else and take one everytime I am at the gym?  My friend Shannon took it.  She wanted a "before" picture.  It's not a true before picture as I have started shedding weight and I have a shirt on.  I don't care if I have a shirt on.  It doesn't make my efforts less legit.  But I digress.

I have been progressing postively with my weight loss.  I always do cardio.  Always.  I could do more weights, but that's a weak spot for me.  I could use some pointers/tips on what to do better with weights.  So I don't do weights as often as I should.

When it comes to cardio I push my hard.  I always get a damn good sweat on.  I always make sure of that.  Always.  I push myself so I can slowly see results.  After I finish my workout, I sit in the sauna after.  Cardio and sauna has working to get the weight off.

According to the scale, I have lost 14 pounds.  That's a good start.  As long as I keep pushing, the weight will keep coming off.  If you want to get in shape and drop some weight, you need to push yourself as well.  The weight won't come off I if don't.  It's a both I want to and have to get the weight off.  I want to get to into shape and I've gotten back into doing it.  I have to because I am diabetic.  It's crucial because of my diabetise that I lose the weight and get into shape.

Dropping the weight will have a positive effect on my diabetes.  I am type 2 as you've may or may not have read in previous posts.  Being that type 2 diabetes is not as dependant on insulin, I can be completely off insulin.  I also can be free of diabetes with the risk of getting diabetes always being there.  If you have diabetes or could potentially have it, you owe it to yourself to drop weight and get yourself in shape.  If I didn't start up at the gym and get my ass moving, I'd be a lazy blob.  That's what I reverted to when I got back to Saskatoon.

I feel good after going to the gym.  I know there is a positive change.  But there are other aspects of my life that I am working on or that I need to work on.  My diet is one that I need to work on.  It's a hard part of it all.  That is why I need to work on it.

If you have been working out and needed to lose weight and get in shape, you know it can be a struggle. Slowly but surely things will get to where they need to be.


  1. Way to go Chris. Diet is still my weakness. I dropped almost 30 pounds over the last 2 years and then ate a good portion of it back. It's all about lifestyle. Permanent changes, not temporary inconveniences.

  2. Clinton, you could have lost a lot more in that time frame, but they say a pound or two per week is a healthy amount to lose per week. I am have been losing more than that per week. Diet is something I don't do well at either. It's something I need to keep working at. You should get a leisure pass or gym membership to get and keep in shape. It will pay for itself in the long run.


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