Saturday, September 03, 2011

Drummers That Don't Get Enough Recognition

I was on YouTube and I came across videos posted of the "Late Show with David Letterman" and the two weeks of drum solo week.  There I came across a number of drummers that I don't listen to.  After watching and listening to them, I've come to the conclusion that they are not nearly as talked about and given the recognition they deserve.  Well at least with the people I talk to about music.  I'll post the videos to the ones I thought were amazing.

Sheila E.
YouTube link

Sheila E. is someone who I've never seen or heard much of.  But she is one of the best female drummers/percussionists.  This solo proves how good she is.  She can drum and sing well.  That is something not many people can do well.  Phil Collins comes to mind when it comes to doing both well.  Not to mention she is hot for being in her 50s.

Stewart Copeland - Founding member of The Police
YouTube link

I've only heard what Stewart Copeland has done with The Police.  So this is great to see someone from a band I absolutely love showing off his chops.  Copeland deserves more recognition for his skills.  He is truly talented because aside from drumming he composes music for ballets, operas, and soundtracks.  A great gem of a solo.

Gavin Harrison - Drummer for Porcupine Tree
YouTube link

Porcupine Tree is a great progressive rock/metal band.  Gavin Harrison doesn't nearly the recognition he deserves.  At least that's what I think.  With some of the bands he has played with, they are more rock and metal based.  So showing of his jazz chops is refreshing.  It shows that metal musicians take stuff from jazz and I bet a good portion of the metal heads out there don't know that.  Great solo too I might add.

Tony Royster, Jr.
YouTube link

I used to think that Tony Royster, Jr. was nothing special because of all the hype he got as a child.  But I can say now after watching this solo that the hype is worth it.  Sure you don't want to over hype someone as it could lead to a massive ego, but from the looks of things, Royster, Jr. looks humble enough.  He has proven me wrong about him.  Good job Tony.

These are just a few of many amazing drummers that don't get talked about nearly enough.  If you know of amazing drummers that I should check out than let me know.  I'm always looking to check out talented drummers.

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