Canada is in the midst of an election season. We are nearing the end of the campaign trail. I for one want this to be done and over with. Justin Trudeau has said the Conservatives have run the dirtiest campaign in history. That is based on disinformation. In terms of disinformation, maybe. But it isn't the dirtiest in history. If you want to talk about dirtiest, Kim Campbell used Jean Chretien's partial facial paralysis due to bell's palsy in a campaign or Stephen Harper and the robocall scandal for instance. Regardless of that, this season has had its share of insults, digging up stuff from the past such as black/brownface, ignoring things that they accuse others of doing that they also do, and accused of fearmongering, etc., etc..
With that being said, the question is if we have too much choice. Lots of countries have this problem. They have a lot of parties to choose from when it comes to voting. As well, lots of countries have a two-party system with the United States being the most notable. You could say Canada is two party system since the Conservatives and Liberals are the only parties that get voted in and form government. No other parties have been voted in. Although, the New Democratic Party (NDP) has been official opposition in the past.
For a part of Canada's history we have been a two-party system. But with the three-party system, such parties such as the NDP and the Bloc Quebecois has had some sort of influence. But the two-party system changed after the First World War. Unlike the United State's two-party where you can only vote for Democrats and Republicans, Canada's parliamentary democracy encourages a multi-party system. You will see that very much.
Canada has six that get talked about on the national stage with one being strictly in Quebec. There is the Liberals, the Conservatives, the NDP, the Green Party, the Bloc Quebecois, and the newest party which is the People's Party of Canada (PPC). It is stupid for the Bloc to be running considering they don't want Quebec to be apart of Canada. It is a vastly different culture than the rest of Canada.
If you do research, you'll find the fringe parties such as the Rhinoceros Party (which is meant to not be taken seriously per se), the Christian Heritage Party (a big claim is they are only pro life party), Progressive Canadian Party (PC Party, they're number of candidates have shrunk to single digits since being founded in 2004), the Marijuana Party (founded in 2000, number of candidates have shrunk to single digits, and their ideology is pointless since marijuana is legal now), and other parties you can look up. They don't run the full number of candidates. Even if they did, they wouldn't get any seats.
The fringe parties are one thing, but looking strictly at the main national parties, we have way too much choice. Add in the fringe parties that run in various ridings, that means even more choice. I get that Canada is multi-party system, but when is enough enough?
The Green Party only gets one seat because of Elizabeth May and that wasn't until the last couple of elections. Since being founded in the 80s, they've never won any seats until now. But they now have two seats since Paul Manly won a by-election on May 6 in the Nanaimo—Ladysmith riding in British Columbia. Since the Bloc is a Quebec only separatist party, common sense dictates they get seats in Quebec. Just as a side note, growing up when they had a referendum, I was against them separating. I was a kid and didn't know any better. The PPC won't get any seats outside of founder and leader Maxime Bernier. But I also won't be surprised if, on the off chance, he doesn't get voted in.
You could also look at from the position of more choice is great and it could potentially mean less seats for the major parties. That's great in theory, but no fringe party has ever had a candidate elected yet people still vote for them even if it means only getting a handful of votes. Stranger things have happened. A fringe party could have a candidate voted in. Who am I kidding? That wouldn't happen.
We need to stop being so divided and do what is right for the country. Yes, we will still say this leader or that leader is not a good choice for Prime Minister. If you know me, you will know that I am anti-Andrew Scheer and don't want him voted in. Some even are scared for the future of Canada if Scheer is voted in. I for one hope Scheer isn't voted in thus a new leader of the Conservatives would be necessary.
Justin Trudeau has said the Conservatives have a good chance of getting voted in. That's doesn't sound like confidence. Is he scared of losing? He shouldn't focus on that. He should focus on remaining Prime Minister.
Regardless if you think there is too much choice or not enough, get out
there and vote. Even though I feel you shouldn't vote for the Conservatives, get out there and vote. The future of this country depends on it. Don't vote and regret who you voted for later. Don't be that person. I hope you have looked at the platforms and are making the informed choice. Two days away, the future of the country is in our hands. Do what is right.
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