I took my niece to the zoo on Saturday. I haven't been to the zoo in the summer. I have been in the winter. So there was more to see. We first went and saw the bears, than we went and saw the Bengal Tiger cubs. They will be there for a few more weeks before going back. So proceed to make our way to see the black-capped capuchin monkeys. There were two of them. A small one and a bigger one. Well, the bigger one start freaking out and that was crazy. It can scare the living shit out of you. I don't know what I did. I probably prevoked it in someway. My niece thought it was hillarious.
So we kept going and looking at the different animals. We walked past the adults tigers. Allie knew the names of the tigers and bears. We seen some different sheep, goats, yaks, buffalo, and others. We went to the marsh and fed the ducks. I turned around and didn't expect to see a peacock right there that it scared.
So we made our way back towards the Paws Inn Gift Shop and had some lunch. After we finished, my niece wanted to go back to see the capuchins and again that monkey must not like me as it leapped towards the window and tried to swat at it. It was crazy. My niece thought it was funny. Than just before we left was the porcupine that was out of the cage with a handler. It was used to people as it is orphaned.
I will admit that it was fun at the zoo. I should go again before the summer is over.
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