Sunday, May 31, 2020

Need to Pay More Attention to What's Happening in Canada

There are many issues and problems in Canada that needs to be talked about and addressed.  There is one particular issue I noticed in myself.  Many are probably in the same boat.  It essentially is that we need to pay more attention to what's happening in Canada.  With what's happening in other parts of the world, more specifically the United States, dominating headlines, it's easy to focus on that.  The death of George Floyd is a prime example is dominating headlines (as it should) and we are focused on that.  But that doesn't mean we should focus solely on that.

I recognize that I know more about what's going on in the United States than Canada.  I need to change that.  Social media is a way to find out news and to see what's trending.  That's how I find out about stuff.  I don't always go out of my way to find out about what's going locally, provincially, and nationally.  It's one thing to say one should do more of that.  It's another to actually do it.

Am I out of touch?  Am I not informed.  Not necessarily.  It's easier to focus on things dominating the headlines.  Such things as COVID-19, George Floyd, and the rioting for instance.  That's what currently dominating headlines.  Lots of things are in the news, but they don't get even half as much attention as other stuff.  I get why.  But that doesn't mean we should just stick to what is dominating headlines.

You might think it's easy to say that.  I have already acknowledged that in a round about way. Again, that's why it's good to look at all news and not just what is in front of our faces.  Hopefully I'll try to make more of a conscious effort in this regard.  Saying and doing are two different things.  I don't keep ear close enough to the ground when it comes to Canadian news in terms of a wide range of news.  COVID-19 in Canada is one of the few things I hear about most times which proves my point.  We could use some positivity in this world right now.  I know it will be hard, but it's out there somewhere.

That's enough news for today.  I know I won't be able to avoid it, but it can burn one out.  Now to do something else.  Movie, video games, continue binging "Seinfeld?"  Not matter what, I need to take my mind off the dominating headlines for now.  Be well and stay safe.  See you on the flipside.

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