Sunday, March 18, 2012

Blogging Resolution

My posting rate is up vastly compared to other years.  I made it a news years resolution to blog more and that is exactly what I am doing.  Let's hope that I continue to do this all year and not flop on my resolution.  Usually I never make new years resolutions, but this one is doable.

Here is a song about new years resolutions

"New Years Resolution Song" by Rhett and Link
YouTube link

1 comment:

  1. Cool:)

    If you want to succeed in your resolution, my suggestion is to be clear what blogging 'more' would be. If it's once a month/week/day or some variation, then I find it's way easier to stay on top of it.

    I switched to the once-a-week post and I've been able to be really consistent so I'm confident you can keep up the momentum with yours.

    Keep writing!


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