Friday, March 02, 2012

Funk Off

I am in another funk.  Haven't experienced this in over a year and a half.  I told myself I never wanted to feel like that again, but here I am feeling like this again.  I got little sleep and it made work crap.  Being in a funk is so emotionally and physically draining.  If you've never been in a funk, than you'd have no clue as to what I'm talking about.

I don't want to get into the reasons as to why I'm in a funk.  The fact I am in a funk is just UGH!  I hope this doesn't last as long as last time.


  1. I hear ya, it's not fun.

    I hope your funk is not too 'funky,' and if you want to chat more about it, let me know.

  2. Thanks, Matt, I appreciate that. Add fishhead2100 to Skype and we can chat that way.


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