I know that we shouldn't worry about money and material possesions. But it is not so much the material possesions that I am worried about. It is the aspect of money that I am worried about. I have thinking over and over about this over the last few days that I feel sick to my stomach. Here is the deal. I am working at job that pay $12 an hour. Now don't get me wrong, I have never made over $10 an hour before this job. But in this day in age, it is not nearly enough to cover my bills.
I have a number of bills like my plates, my rent, my student loan payment, and gas. Now I know what you are thinking. If I make $12 per hour, shouldn't have something left over? You would think so wouldn't you. But NO! Gas alone eats up a portion of my paycheck with a minimum of $50-$60 to fill my tank, that eats your paycheck fairly quick. Don't even get me started on rent and other my other bills.
I just hate what money has done to me. Living with my sister last year before getting my own place, I lived a bit more comfortably. Now that is not possible. I need a change and I need another job that is better paying and better for my morale. This job is bringing me down.
Money, why have you made me this way? Sigh!
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