Friday, September 28, 2007

Writing Songs

I have been trying to get ideas to write songs lately, but nothing concrete has flowed from my head to the paper. I don't want to sound redundant with the words the flow from my brain. But it seems as though that is what I put down on paper only to crumple up that piece of paper and start over. I know that I want to stray from the ordinary with my lyrics, but that is easier said than done.

I know I have a lot of lyrics written, but those need tunes put to them. But that's another blog post for another time. I guess you could say that I have a case of writers block. If you know what that is like, than you will know what I am talking about. Sometimes, I can just write, write, write. Than other times... nothing.

I wonder what sort of things I should like to for inspiration? I guess it doesn't have to be one set thing, but you know, inspiration is a good place to start off. I have tried to look at my surroundings for inspiration. But that came up empty. I wonder what to else to look too for inspiration?

If anyone at all has ideas than feel free to post a comment.

That's all she wrote
Mr. C.C.

"Songwriting is different from music, although I don't deny now that it would be nice to have a little more background in music theory." -Neil Diamond, singer/songwriter/musician

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