I was just thinking about this and do you make references to something nobody gets? Or I should say most people don't get? I have this problem and unless I am talking to fellow professional wrestling fans, they don't get my references to it. Even then some of the wrestling fans may not get what I am referring too. It all depends on how long you have been a wrestling fan. But anyways, for me, wrestling is the one thing I make reference too that nobody gets. There are times when I say something and sometimes I have follow up by saying that it's fine that you don't get what I am referring too. It's not like I am expecting them to get it or anything, but it does make it easier sometimes if they do.
Seinfeld is another good example. I have a message on Windows Live that some of you may have seen. My friend didn't get it, so I had to explain it too her that it is a reference from Seinfeld. Or Simpson's too. There is a lot of things you can reference in The Simpson's. If you haven't seen any Seinfeld, Simpson's, or any professional wrestling, then of course you wouldn't get any references people make.
I am not saying it's just those three items, but I am just giving those as an example for myself. Other people reference other things obviously, but those are just three of the more main things that I reference that nobody gets.
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