Sunday, September 11, 2005

Let it Rain, Hurricane Katrina, & More!

Are you keeping dry in your part of the world??? I sure hope so because it has been wet, wet, wet in my neck of the woods lately. This bout of rain will slow down any harvest that has begun. But it won't effect small time farmers like my dad. He is not like the big time farmers that need start getting off their crops now. He can wait for it to dry before he will continue on with harvest. There is not much harvest being done in the Red Deer Hill area. But south of St. Louis in the Hoey area you will see people harvesting. There are a few big time farmers in that area and they are already doing some major harvesting.

I am not against it raining. Trust me, I am not. It's just that wicked crazy amounts of rain is not good either. See wicked crazy amounts can cause problems that we can't control like floods, mudslides, and other natural disasters. If it rains enough and not an excessive amount then I fine with it. But if it wants to rain then let it rain.
I have been thinking about what to write about Hurricane Katrina because the manitude of this disaster is something I can't even imagine. It's like cities are submerged under water like New Orleans for instance. The pictures on TV, internet, newspaper, and magazines, are enough to stop a person in there tracks and take notice.

Our lives may seem a thousand times better then those who are in Louisianna, Alabama, Mississippi because we can't even fathom being in such a natural disaster. The only natural disaster that we get in Prince Albert, Saskatchewan, Canada is a snow storm or a rainstorm. But snow and rain is a regular occurance here in my neck of the woods so we know how to ready ourselves for such weather. But places like New Orleans were not ready for such a disaster. They knew it was coming but they didn't prepare for it years in advance. They were not ready which is a shame.

My heart goes out to the victims of Hurricane Katrina. Just seeing those images and seeing how these people break down and cry really makes a person feel for them. Sure we may not know how they feel, but we try and comprehend in some little way what they must be going through. But in the grand scheme of things, we don't have the slightest clue as to what is going through there minds and how they must be feeling emotionally.

But watching a special Hurricane Katrina edition of Larry King Live, they had Bill Cosby asking people to donate there money towards food, shelter, clothing, and other items. You know that this has struck a chord with celebrities if they can personally send a message to the people watching. Bill Cosby said "I am begging you to please send in your money." Doesn't that send a powerful message??? A man of Bill Cosby's stature can go and beg without thinking twice. I know I would do it. I commend people who are trying to make a difference in this whole situation.

Doesn't it make you feel helpless knowing that you can't be down there helping in some way no matter. I know that some of would help if you had the chance. It would be a life changing experience that's for sure. But it's totally understandable if you got caught up in all the drama so to speak. But it still, for me anyways, would be a life changing experience.

I know that the hand of God is on them and is helping them get through all of this.

Psalm 139:10
10 even there your hand will guide me,
your right hand will hold me fast.

I know that God will guide them along and show them what they need to do. They will take it one step at a time in this rebuilding process. The hand of God will be signal that he is right there by their side and helping them get through this lowest of low times.

Psalm 31:3
3 Since you are my rock and my fortress,
for the sake of your name lead and guide me.

They know that God is there strength in a time when they are so fragile and weak in an emoitional and even physical sense. God will guide them to a place of rest during this trying time.

Psalm 48:14
14 For this God is our God for ever and ever;
he will be our guide even to the end.

God will guide them to the end. God will guide them to where they are to go. They know that God is there through the good and the bad times. But this will certainly put their faith to the test. I have faith that they will in time pull through.

Now, if you would like to make a donation then I suggest you check out one of the following sites.

Red Cross Canada
American Red Cross

Red Cross has been their in times like these. I encourage you to make a donation to this orginization who has done so much for so many over the years.

Facts At A Glance

The facts on the American Red Cross website are startling. You don't truly know how much the Red Cross does until you see you the facts for yourself. Even then you don't can't comprehend what it's like to do what the Red Cross does.

Salvation Army In Canada
Salvation Army USA

Another worthwhile organization to donate money and goods to. They also do so much good at home and abroad. They need you to donate money and goods. They will send it the disaster torn areas of the southern United States. But they can't do it without you.

Mennonite Disaster Service

Here is another organization for you to donate to. They are another worthwhile organization to donate to. But they also need your help in the way of money and goods.

America's Second Harvest

America's Second Harvest is the nation's largest hunger-relief, distributing surplus food to more 23 million hungry American's each year.

That is startling number of people who go hungry each year. But now in this time of disaster, Second Harvest needs your help even more. Every dollar raised brings 15 meals to the table or every raised will help distrubt nearly 4 bags of food. But now more then ever, Second Harvest needs your help.

Which ever organization you choose, please donate as money and goods are always needed.

I pray that the disaster torn areas of the United States will pull through this in time.
Now on a less depressing note, there was a potluck at church today. It was to kick off the fall season of Sunday school. It was a good time of food, fun, and fellowship, like it always is.

People really seemed to like Matt's cheesecake. It looked really good too. But I HATE banana's!!!! I really stress the word hate. Maybe hate is too strong of a word. I should have said dislike. In any event, it still won't change the fact that I still don't care for banana's. He brought it out near the end and put what looked to be a caramel sauce ontop. That made it look that much better. But as I said, I HATE banana's.

Anyways, Sunday school starts up next week at 11:00 AM after the service. If you are not sure what classes are availiable then don't hesistate to ask around. I do know there is one for the youth. So I will be expecting to see all of the youth up there. If not then who knows what will happen. All I know is that you will not like it.
Don't forget that Tuesday is the Rockin' Drop In. It is one Tuesday of course. As if you couldn't read. Anyways, we will be playing songs that one of us will pick. I picked the last bunch and maybe Marky Mark or Steve can pick this time. I ENCOURAGE the youth to come even if you don't have an instrument. I strongly stress encourage. If you do have an instrument then bring it and play. Don't be like Marcus and complain about this song being too hard after complaining about not playing music. I don't want any defeatest attitudes. If Marky Mark can sing when he normally doesn't then you can play an instrument.

If you do decide to come then bring some supper. Steve and the youths eat supper after rocking out. Rocking out is hard work and works up an apetite. That is why so many 80's rockers are thin. It's because rocking up gives you a work out. All that bouncing around and jumping on stage.

Event: Rockin' Drop In
Where: Gateway Covenant Church
When: Tuesdays from 3:30-5:30
Bring: Yourself, an instrument, and supper

As always I ENCOURAGE you to leave comment in the comment box. Also leave a comment in the guestbook or shout on the tag board.

Keep on rockin' in the free world.

Remember to learn it, use it, and never forget it!

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